Shop / Knitting cafe / Knitnight - Knit & Drink 🌸
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Knitting evenings at Mrs. Krogh 🌸
These are usually Fridays between 19.00 - 22.00. Click on the round marks to select a date.
In the store, Storegade 61, Hasle.
Max 12 participants
Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced knitter/crocheter, come and spend some cozy hours in the company of other creative souls. You are also very welcome, whether you are visiting Bornholm for the first time or are a resident of the island.
The only plan for the evening is to chat, knit and enjoy some snacks and a nice glass of bubbly with or without alcohol.
You sign up by buying a "ticket" on this page - then I'll register you 🌸
2025 Mrs. Krogh