Shop / Accessories / Accessories / M1.8 - Koshitsu stick tips 5 cm + 10cm + 12.5 cm + 14cm
General information applicable to all Shirotake and Koshitsu sticks and stick sets
Both Shirotake and Koshitsu sticks are made from bamboo, but the finish is different.
The stick tips of the Koshitsu series are treated with high pressure and heat. The surface is then smoothed with natural plant wax. This special treatment ensures that the needles are extra strong and durable and protects them from harmful external influences. It also prevents the wood from warping. The result is a comfortable and smooth knitting experience with needles that feel pleasantly warm to the touch. Koshitsu needles are slightly darker in color than the needles in the shirotake series.
The surface of the Shirotake series has a smooth finish with natural plant wax, giving the sticks a beautiful shine. In addition, they feel great to the touch.
Combine cable connectors, adapters, needle stoppers and other parts to create the perfect tool for your project.
Parts with the same screw size (M1.8, M2 or M4) can be mounted directly on each other. Do you have 2 different screw sizes? Then they can still be combined using an adapter.
Note: Your wire should be at least as long as both your needle tips combined. By putting a needle stopper at one end of a cable, you can also create flexible single-pointed knitting needles.
2025 Mrs. Krogh